Contract Manufacturing Supplements & Medicinal Products.

From Private Label Formulas to Finished Products

Innovative Production of Cannabinoid Active Ingredients & Contract Manufacturing of Novel Medicines & White Label CBD Products

Innovating bioingredients
for medicines & consumer products supplying supplements, F&B
and Pharmaceuticals

Contract Manufacturing Custom Formulations and R&D Innovation Across the Product Lifecycle

European tailor-made contract manufacturing of private label supplements, sports nutrition & white label CBD products & cannabinoid formulas.

Manufacturing Supplement Products in Capsules, Softgels, Supplement Gummies & Herbal Supplement Formulas in Oils and Capsules.


Suppling over 350 leading brands & product companies in supplements, pharmaceuticals in 26 countries worldwide.

Dietary Supplements & Sports Nutrition Products Contract Manufacturing

Supplement Gummies

Premium Private Label & White Label Functional Gummies Manufacturing

Elevate your sports nutrition brand with trending supplement gummies with Multivitamins, Magnesium, D & B Complex, fish oil/Omega 3 etc. As Europe’s leading contract manufacturer, we specialize in producing high-quality, clean label dietary supplements infused in delicious gummies. Choose from a wide range of ingredients & vitamins, tailored to your needs. Our flexible packaging options meet your unique branding needs. While we offer lower MOQ manufacturing, our production capabilities scale to any volume as your sales grow.

Supplement Capsules

Private Label Supplement Capsules Contract Manufacturing

Elevate your brand with our private label supplement capsules manufactured for top sports nutrition brands. Offering a diverse range of popular ingredients, range of sizes, and packaging tailored to your brand. From antioxidants to amino acids, we source and incorporate top-tier ingredients. Our scalable production ensures timely delivery at any scale. Partner with us to encapsulate success for your sports nutrition brand. Popular ingredients include: Whey Protein, BCAAs, Creatine, Glutamine, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Turmeric.

Sports Nutrition Products

Sports Nutrition Products Contract Manufacturing

Power up your sports nutrition brand with our top-tier private label contract manufacturing services. We specialize in crafting premium, clean label protein powders, creatine, and other popular sports nutrition blends. Choose from a versatile selection of powders, including plant-based, egg, and vegan options, with customizable flavours. Our flexible packaging options cater to your brand identity, and our production capabilities effortlessly scale to meet any demand. Experience excellence in every scoop with our comprehensive solutions.

Premium Grade White Label CBD Oils & Cannabinoid Products

Europe's Leading Contract Manufacturing Partner Across Categories with Infinite Product Possibilities

A Leading Partner For Leading Brands

Sequoya Biotechnologies works with clients worldwide on manufacturing consumer and medicinal products. Often innovating new formulas and products across all product development stages. From producing active ingredients from plants, developing custom formulas for use in supplements, nutraceuticals, CBD products to ingredients for use in medicines and pharmaceuticals.



Sequoya is the leading producer of White Label & Private Label cannabinoid (CBD, CBG, CBN, THC) products & Active Ingredients. Aimed at supplying major pharmaceutical & consumer goods manufacturers worldwide with evolving trends & compliance requirements. Specializing in CBD Oil, Capsules & gummy premium products, and ingredients such as distillates, isolates to the biggest brands in the global supplement, food & beverage, nutraceutical & pharmacy / pharmaceutical industries. Note: For Wholesale or specific needs email to request brochures

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QualityInnovation Supplements

State of the Art Contract Manufacturing Facilities

The Sequoya Biotechnologies European facility is designed to innovate supplement formulas & end-to-end product contract manufacturing.

Our pioneering contract manufacturing versatility drives innovation across all product categories, from private label supplement infused gummies to white label sports nutrition products and cannabinoid CBD products.

At Sequoya we take contract manufacturing to the next level. We are the New Product Development & full scale Product Manufacturing partner to leading brands. Sequoya ‘s mission is to innovate and continuously set new quality & dosing form standards that drive the industry forward. From plant based natural active ingredients for medicines and supplements, to innovative supplement formulas in new trending dosing forms to final supplement packaging that delivers private label product development for leading brands worldwide. Sequoya’s proprietary manufacturing processes & highly versatile facilities is built towards developing new and unique produces and medicines in dietary supplements, sports nutrition and plant based bioingredient medicines; such as,  cannabinoid active ingredients and CBD products. With CBD Products we have developed over 300 custom CBD & cannabinoids and produced many more products and medicines.

An Unwavering Commitment to Manufacturing Standards & Compliance

Sequoya is fully EU GMP Certified, HACCP Certified & ISO accredited under European Standards.

Sequoya holds a cannabis THC & Narcotics Permit for the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate (GIF) of the Government of Poland with all audits up to date. Our company is fully compliant in collaborating with pharmaceutical partners worldwide.

EU GMP Certification, HACCP, ISO Accreditation for European Contract Manufacturing Standards

With a footing in Canada and Europe,
Sequoya supplies global consumer packaged goods manufacturers with a broad range of products, i.e.: Private Label CBD Oils & Gummy Supplements to highly refined hemp extracts such as CBD isolate, terpenes, distillate worldwide.

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